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Cleaners - DJ Parts

DJ AUTO operates five branches in Saudi Arabia, located in Riyadh, the Western Region, and the Eastern Region. Additionally, we have branches in Algeria, Egypt, Singapore, and Turkey.


Cleaners - DJ Parts

When it comes to braking efficiency, brake fluid is often overlooked. It plays a crucial role in transmitting force from the brake pedal to the brake pads and/or shoes, and can significantly impact the overall braking experience.

To address brake response issues, it is recommended to check brake fluid annually and replace it every two years. Brake fluid performs best when it does not exceed its boiling point; braking efficiency decreases when the fluid begins to boil. Therefore, it is always advisable to choose DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids that comply with industry standards for use in your braking system.

We have a DENSO trained Service Network equipped with DENSO special tools & equipment’s to ensure quality of repair using DENSO genuine spares.

